EON Laser Treatment in Orlando, FL

Banish fat with the EON laser!

Revolutionize the way you sculpt your body with our non-invasive, ultramodern EON Laser. The specialized laser technology targets and eradicates stubborn fat cells to redefine your body’s contours.

Experience the magic of a treatment that can permanently eliminate subcutaneous fat cells – all without a trip to the operating room and without incisions! Our EON laser offers a safe, effective solution for those who wish to reduce stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or back without interrupting their daily routine.

At Dr. Fiala’s, we believe in personalized treatment. With EON’s 42 sensors, the system automatically scans and maps your body’s topography to design a treatment tailored to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. The robotic arm ensures consistent treatment, delivering the fat-reducing energy accurately. The cooling air jets keep your skin cool for a comfortable patient experience, all without ever touching the patient.

EON promises to deliver unmatched, proven results. Our patients have observed a 20-25% reduction in the fat thickness of treated areas after a single abdominal treatment. What’s more, we offer a touchless treatment that requires absolutely NO-POST TREATMENT CARE. Walk into our office for your EON treatment and walk out ready to continue your day without any downtime.

Join the many satisfied patients who have chosen EON for non-invasive body sculpting. Experience the consistent laser energy, precise robotic treatments, and the comfort of synchronized energy and cooling technology. Choose EON for unmatched results, low risk of complications, and no downtime. Say goodbye to to the risk for PAH (Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia), a complication that’s sometimes observed with other technologies.  And no cold, gooey pads to put on the skin!

Interested in learning more about our revolutionary EON Laser treatment? Navigate through our comprehensive FAQ section below, or feel free to contact us directly. Dr. Thomas Fiala and his experienced team are ready to help you redefine your body and boost your confidence with our state-of-the-art EON Laser.

Of note, the EON device was developed here in Winter Park, Florida by the research team at Dominion Aesthetics – and Dr. Fiala was a part of this exciting work, right from the prototyping stage.  Now, the EON has received its FDA clearances for treatment of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, flanks, back and thighs.  Some of Dr. Fiala’s published papers on EON can be viewed here and here.


WHO Is A Candidate For EON?

  • Patient looking to permanently reduce stubborn fat in the upper / lower abdomen, flanks, thighs or back.
  • Patients looking for a non-invasive solution for body sculpting that doesn’t interrupt their normal daily schedule.
  • Patient with a BMI of 30 or less..
  • Patients able to “Pinch an inch” in the treatment area.



  • EON is a  robotic, non-invasive body contouring device that targets and reduces your stubborn fat. 
  • EON induces permanent removal of subcutaneous fat cells by utilizing the deep tissue heating effects of laser energy.
  • The treatment head, driven by a robotic arm, delivers consistent laser energy while heating adipose tissue up to the temperature at which apoptosis occurs.
  • EON employs effective cooling technology and real-time monitoring to create a comfortable patient experience.


What are the advantages of a robotic treatment?

  • EON utilizes 42 sensors that scan and map a patient’s topography for personalized treatments.
  • Robotic design provides consistent treatment patient to patient and removes chance for error. 
  • EON’s laser accurately delivers an unprecedented degree of fat-reducing energy. 
  • EON keeps the skin substantially cooler, all without ever touching the patient.


WHY Should I Choose EON?

  • EON is safe, effective with proven results.
  • The treatment is completely touchless and comfortable.
  • Treat the full abdomen in 60 minutes or both flanks in 40 minutes.
  • Single treatment of the abdomen produced a 20-25% reduction in fat thickness in the areas treated.
  • NO-POST TREATMENT CARE NEEDED – No straps, gels, or post massages. 
  • You can receive your treatment and go on with your daily life.


Summary of EON Benefits 

  • Delivers consistent laser energy to targeted segment area.
  • Precise, programed motion-control robotic treatments.
  • Uniform heat distribution ensures consistency.
  • Low risk of complications.
  • Synchronized energy and cooling for a comfortable patient experience.
  • Unmatched results in the non-invasive, body sculpting category with  6.3mm average loss after one treatment.  
  • No downtime following treatment.
  • No risk of PAH. “Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia” which is sometimes seen with other technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions about EON

  • Are treatments painful, and are there side effects?

EON’s chilled-air cooling system will keep you comfortable during treatment. In addition, a “Quick Cool” function can be activated by the operator for comfort, or the intensity of EON can be reduced if necessary. Side effects may include light redness, mild to moderate discomfort during the treatment,  soreness, or firm areas beneath the skin surface which gradually resolve on their own. No cases of PAH occur with heat based laser body contouring.

  • How long is a treatment segment? 

Each segment area takes 20 minutes, so for instance, an EON treatment on the upper and lower abs would require 2-4 segments lasting 40-80 minutes. The flanks would take 20 minutes each. A Total Abdomen Treatment consists of both flanks and 2-3 segments on the stomach, taking less than 2 hours to complete. All areas can be treated in one visit, if desired.

  • How many areas can I have treated, and how often can I get treatment in the same area?

We suggest no less than two segments to deliver the results you are looking for; however, there is always the option for you to choose additional treatments if there is sufficient fat to treat in that area. Because EON utilizes the normal bodily function to remove fat particles, it is recommended to wait 6-8 weeks before a second treatment in the same area.

  • What about after treatment?

NO-POST TREATMENT CARE NEEDED – No straps, gels, or post massages. Patients can receive their treatment and go on with their daily life. With increased circulation, exercise and hydration have been shown to speed the body’s ability to remove particles of destroyed fat cells.

  • How safe is EON?

With its unique built-in sensors that monitor temperature, scan, and map a patient’s topography for personalized treatments, EON is very safe. During treatment, the operator will check in with you periodically to ensure you are remaining comfortable. EON programming allows the operator to administer a 10-second “QuickCool” or even reduce the intensity if you become uncomfortable during the 20-minute treatment.

  • How long before I see results?

Because EON utilizes the body’s natural functions to remove the damaged fat cells, it can take up to 12 weeks to fully realize the results of your treatment. Many patients have reported seeing results as early as six weeks, especially when coupled with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

  • What kind of results can I expect?

Patients in EON studies experienced the full efficacy of the treatment by 12 weeks after 2-3 segments with 20 -25% fat loss in the upper and lower abdomen.

  • How long do results last?

The removal of fat cells is permanent in the area treated.




220 East Central Parkway
Suite 2020
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
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