Thigh and Buttock Lift Surgery
Over the years, plastic surgeons have designed lift surgeries for most parts of the body. In addition to the tummy and arms, there are lift procedures for the outer thighs, inner thighs, upper back (bra-line), and buttock.
Typically, the surgery involves some preliminary liposuction to shape or reduce the fat layer, then the excess skin is excised and neatly closed. While there is an incisional scar, these lifts achieve results that are not obtainable by any other method.
Typically, patients who have had a major weight loss – either through diet or after gastric bypass – may be interested in these procedures.
Flankplasty – Outer Thigh and Buttock Lift
The outer thigh and buttock lift, sometimes also called a “flankplasty”, pulls up the side of the thigh and lifts the buttock. This treats the areas of the trunk that a tummy tuck does not. Some patients, who have loose skin all-around their trunk area, will benefit from both procedures (i.e. tummy tuck, then flankplasty later). These are usually done at separate times for reasons of safety and to make each recovery more reasonable for the patient.
Inner thigh lifts come in two designs: the shorter, transverse incision at the top of the thigh and the longer vertical incision.
The longer incision can take care of looseness in the mid and lower thigh and knee area, whereas the shorter incision only takes care of looseness in the upper third of the thigh. Dr. Fiala will individualize the choice, based on your physical exam.
Finally, the upper body lift – also called a “bra-line lift” takes care of loose rolls of skin in the mid-back area. Typically, the incision goes across the back and is hidden by most bras or swimsuits.
Dr. Fiala recommends post-operative scar management for all patients, to help these incisions look their best. Learn more by calling our office and talking with one of our staff today.