News and Facts

Yes – you really are turning into your mother!

Posted on March 26, 2010

You know that old saying, about how a young man should look at his prospective mother-in-law, to see how his wife-to-be might look in the future? Turns out, there’s some scientific validity to it….but only if the mother and daughter have similar appearances to start with. A recent study from Loma Linda University Medical Center […]

Human interest: the popularity of skin lightening creams in India

Posted on March 23, 2010

Great article from BBC News on a surprising topic – the popularity of over-the-counter skin lightening creams in India.It turns out, that “fair and lovely” is the current fashion there, in addition to being the name of one of the most popular creams! Click here for the link.

Another tax increase hidden in ObamaCare

Posted on March 19, 2010

I was just reading the text of the proposed changes to the Healthcare reform bill. Hidden in the middle of dozens of pages is this gem: IN GENERAL.—There is hereby imposed on the sale of any taxable medical device by the manufacturer, producer, or importer a tax equal to 2.9 percent of the price for […]

Six New Jersey Women get Industrial Silicone Injections…and big problems.

Posted on March 9, 2010

Here’s a story from CBS News – it belongs in the “You’ve got to be kidding me ” file. These women had buttock injections from a bogus MD in a hotel room. With bathroom-type silicone caulking. In large volumes. This story did not end well. Astute (no pun intended) readers of this blog should recognize […]

Pick the best diet based on a genetic test?

Posted on March 4, 2010

Now that the Vancouver Olympics are over, it’s time for me to get back to blogging! Here’s an interesting story from ABC News about a new genetic test that may help people decide which sort of weight loss approach best fits their individual needs. While the testing is exciting, these results are still very preliminary, […]

Dr. Fiala now has an iPhone app

Posted on February 7, 2010

Yes, it’s true – we’re entering the age of the iPhone.My friend, Dave Tessitore, has programmed an iPhone app for us, and it’s now available through the Apple app store. Look for “Plastic Surgery with Dr. Fiala”. Currently, it’s a free download. We’re one of the first plastic surgery practices in the country with this […]

LashPerks" – save $20 on Latisse

Posted on February 4, 2010

If you are a fan of Latisse, the eyelash lengthening treatment from Allergan, now you can sign up with the company’s LashPerks program, on their website (link) – and get a $20 rebate from Allergan. :)Offer only for first-time registrants to the program. Expires 5/4/2010.

FDA approves Cytori’s PureGraft fat grafting device

Posted on January 21, 2010

This week, the FDA approved the PureGraft device, made by Cytori Therapeutics. This device greatly simplifies the collection, processing and re-injection of fat. It could be a major “game-changer” for both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Until now, one of the major issues with fat grafting has been that it is a slow and tedious […]

CNN article on "wanna-be" cosmetic surgeons

Posted on January 9, 2010

Here’s an article from CNN Health, which talks about how many physicians are trying their hand at cosmetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, regardless of their training, board certification, or experience. Link It’s clear that some physicians think that the “grass is greener” on the plastic surgery side of the fence…but they don’t want to invest […]

Merz buys out BioForm Medical, makers of Radiesse

Posted on January 5, 2010

Wow, that was fast. One prediction – market consolidation – is already coming true. reports that Merz Pharma Group (“Merz”), a privately-held company based in Frankfurt, Germany, is going forward with a buy-out of BioForm Medical, in a $253 million stock deal. BioForm Medical is the maker of RADIESSE dermal filler. Merz has several […]


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