News and Facts

Miss Plastic Surgery 2009

Posted on October 10, 2009

Here’s an offbeat story for you…. This weekend, the Miss Plastic Surgery Hungary 2009 competition is taking place in Budapest. Yes – believe it or not – it’s a beauty competition for women, ages 18 to 30, who have had at least one cosmetic surgery procedure under anesthesia, and freely admit it. Liposuction, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, facelifts […]

Dr. Fiala interviewed in “Cosmetic Surgery Times”

Posted on October 7, 2009

In the most recent edition of “Cosmetic Surgery Times”, the second of a three part special on the obesity epidemic, metabolic syndrome and their potential treatment with various cosmetic surgery techniques features an short interview with….yours truly. (link)I mentioned how a striking number of patients who present for liposuction and tummy tuck surgery turn out to […]

Liposuction Tragedy in South Florida

Posted on October 2, 2009

The Sun-Sentinel newspaper is abuzz with the tragic story of laser liposuction gone horribly wrong in Miramar, Florida. Allegedly, a healthy mother of three underwent laser-assisted liposuction at a “med-spa” setting using only local anesthesia. Towards the end of the procedure, however, she had a severe seizure, becoming hypoxic. She is now on life-support, in […]

How long do I have to quit smoking for?

Posted on September 29, 2009

It’s well known that smokers have more surgical complications than non-smokers.One of the most frustrating complications for plastic surgeons is called flap necrosis. This is where part of the skin can literally turn black and die, following surgery on the area. If that sounds bad, you’re right. And it’s much, much more likely in smokers, even […]

Exercise after abdominoplasty

Posted on September 24, 2009

Many patients who have lost significant amounts of weight through either diet, exercise or gastric surgery are very interested to know when they can resume their work-out routines after having a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). They have made exercise an important part of their lifestyle, and miss it during the immediate postoperative time period. While there […]

Breast Augmentation & Surgical Drains

Posted on September 20, 2009

Recently, a patient asked me if I used surgical drains as part of my routine when performing breast augmentation surgery. It’s a thoughtful question – as there are a few surgeons locally who do use drains during breast augmentation surgery, removing them at the first or second postoperative visit. Drains, by the way, are small […]

“Sisters, not identical twins”: breast asymmetry

Posted on August 17, 2009

As one of the busiest breast surgery practices in Central Florida, I see many patients who would like a breast augmentation performed. As part of our routine, we carefully examine the patient, and during our examination, it’s very common to find several differences or asymmetries between the two sides. Most patients have no idea about […]

President Obama and the price of surgery

Posted on August 13, 2009

During a recent “townhall” meeting in New Hampshire, President Obama stated, “If a diabetic gets their leg amputated – that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 immediately to the surgeon….” (link) Fact-check: Medicare reimburses a surgeon between $740 and $1140 for a leg amputation surgery. This fee includes the pre-operative evaluation, the surgery, and 90 days of post-operative care. In […]

A new device to improve mastopexy results?

Posted on August 12, 2009

One of the frustrating problems of breast surgery, particularly breast lift surgery, is the nature of the skin. It stretches out – frequently more quickly than either the patient or the surgeon would like, leading to a loss of the uplift or shaping effect of the mastopexy (breast lift). Surgeons have been trying various methods […]

A tax on cosmetic surgery??

Posted on July 28, 2009

Rumors are flying about the possibility of a new 10% tax on cosmetic surgery. Apparently, this is one of the more creative methods that the Senate Finance Committee has proposed, to help pay for the President’s new healthcare system. I, for one, certainly hope that this doesn’t come to pass. While this tax might look […]


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