News and Facts

Capital One exits cosmetic surgery financing

Posted on April 9, 2009

Capital One is pulling out of the health care financing market — removing one financing option for medical services. As of April 10, 2009, Capital One is not accepting any new installment loan applications for cosmetic surgery, or any other medical expenses.If you already have an approved Capital One loan, you’re OK – that won’t be affected. […]

NYC Woman Dies after Silicone Injection

Posted on April 7, 2009

Injection of liquid silicone – used for soft tissue augmentation – has a long and very controversial history. Liquid Silicone is notFDA approved for cosmetic indications, like plumping up wrinkles, lips or other body parts, but is approved for the treatment of retinal detachments by ophthalmologists. The legality of cosmetic silicone injections is, to say the […]

When Abdominal Fat can be deadly – “Metabolic Syndrome”

Posted on April 1, 2009

It’s well known that America has an obesity epidemic, which affects both adults and children alike. But what’s not as well known, even in the medical community, is the rapid rise in an obesity-related problem called “Metabolic Syndrome”. Metabolic Syndrome is diagnosed if you have 3 or more of: – increased waist size (>40 inches for men, […]

The SoCal "Boobie Bandit"

Posted on March 30, 2009

And now, one of those “News of the Weird” stories… Allegedly, a woman in Huntington Beach, CA, recently used a stolen identity to open a line of credit, which was then used to finance a breast implant exchange and liposuction surgery, worth $12,000. The woman lied to her doctor and the staff of the surgery […]

Herbal Supplements and Surgery – Safe or not?

Posted on March 29, 2009

Herbal supplements are everywhere. And cosmetic surgery patients love them – in a recent survey, 55% of cosmetic surgery patients surveyed took 2 or more supplements, compared to only 24% in the general population. The most commonly used supplements in the survey were: chondroitin, ephedra, echinacea and glucosamine. Some supplements have some serious side effects […]

Do breast implants prevent breast cancer?

Posted on March 20, 2009

It sounds hard to believe…but a new study published in the January issue of International Journal of Cancer found a 27% reduction in the number of breast cancers in women who have breast implants. The researchers compared the incidence rates of breast cancers in 6,200 Scandinavian women with breast implants, compared to the number of breast cancers that would […]

Silicone breast implants and breast feeding

Posted on March 16, 2009

Breast-feeding is known to be nutritionally superior to commercial infant formulas. Breast milk also has immune-boosting properties, and seems to reduce the chance of the baby developing common childhood conditions, such as eczema, otitis media, and iron-deficiency anemia. In other words, it’s good for the baby. Women who are considering breast augmentation with silicone gel implants […]

Another tough day for vitamin makers & takers

Posted on February 22, 2009

Another blow to the idea that taking vitamins helps to keep us healthy was published in the latest issue of the “Archives of Internal Medicine”. The study, called “Multivitamin Use and Risk of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in the Women’s Health Initiative Cohorts”, looked at 161,000 post-menopausal women over an 8 year time period, to […]

Which TV Doctor would you pick?

Posted on January 12, 2009

Here’s a bit of fun: according to a recent survey conducted by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), Gregory House (from the FOX-TV series “House”) is simultaneously America’s most loved and most hated TV doctor, and the medical professional most people would want as their own doctor. Go figure! Apparently, Americans respect and want […]

Celebrity Plastic Surgery & Gossip

Posted on January 7, 2009

Recently, I got a e-mail from a former employee, an attractive young nurse who had moved out to the West Coast. In it, she comically mentioned “not wanting to look like some Hollywood-style bad plastic surgery victim”, and asked me for some recommendations about who to see out there. But it got me thinking… I […]


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