OT: Pageant-obsessed mom gives 8 year old daughter Botox

OT: Pageant-obsessed mom gives 8 year old daughter Botox

Posted on March 29, 2011

Here is a story that is certainly offbeat – a beauty-pageant obsessed mom is injecting her 8 year old daughter with Botox & fillers (that she buys online) with the hopes of making her a famous star. (link)
According to the story: Kerry, 34, buys botox and fillers online and injects them into her daughter’s Britney’s forehead, lips and around her eyes, every 3 months.
Kerry says these treatments will guarantee Britney becomes famous as a teenager. She says: “What I am doing for Britney now will help her become a star. I know one day she will be a model, actress or singer, and having these treatments now will ensure she stays looking younger and baby-faced for longer.”
“I also want a boob and nose job soon, so that I can be a star”, says the 8 year old daughter.
Editors note: This is messed up on so many levels, I barely know where to start. Normal children do not need these treatments. Mom should not be injecting anything into her child. Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome, a psychological disorder, (link) also comes to mind.
Your comments welcome.
Thanks to fellow blogger Tony Youn, MD, for alerting me to this story.


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